English (Compulsory)
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, সকল বিভাগ অনার্স দ্বিতীয় বর্ষ। আজকের আলোচনা ইংরেজি (আবশ্যিক) শর্ট সাজেশন। বিষয়: ইংরেজি। বিষয় কোড: ।
ইংরেজি (আবশ্যিক)।
অনার্স দ্বিতীয় বর্ষ পরীক্ষা ২০২৪ অনুষ্ঠিত ২০২৫।
১০০% কমন উপযোগী প্রশ্নের সাজেশন।
১০০% কমন উপযোগী প্রশ্নের সাজেশন।
1. Tea is (a)------ good drink. A cup of tea removes tiredness. It is (b)------ preventive to malaria. Bu tea is not free form abuse. (c)------ person taking tea does not feel good without it. Bear in mind, tea contains (d)------ element of coffeine. It make affect (e)------ man in various ways.
Answer: a, x, A, an, a
2. A university plays (a)------ unique role in shaping (b)------ man's life. It’s gives (c)------ man not only a good career but also (d)------ enlightened mind. In fact, (e)------ educated should have a noble mind.
Answer: a, a, a, an, the
3. Bob Collins has recently become (a)------ minister in (b)------ new government. He was (c)------ professional footballer of the 1960s. He is supposed to be (d)------ most skillful players in his generation. He become (e)------ Member of parliament in 1990.
Answer: a, the, a, the, a
4. Williams Wordsworth, (a)------ second son of (b)------ attorney - at - low read in (c)------ University neamed Cambridge. He wrote a remarkable poem on (d)------ France Revulsion. (e)------ English are proud of him.
Answer: the, an, a the, The
5. Mount Everest has always fascinated climbers. It is in (a)------ Himalayan Mountains. It is (b)------ highest mountains in (c)------ world. It was named after (d)------ Englishman George Everest. He was (e)------ first man to survey the Himalayas in 1841.
Answer: the, the, the, an, the,
6. Ferdousi was on of (a)------ greatest poet of Persia. He wrote (b)------ shahanama in honour of Sultan Mahmud. It is (c)------ epic. (d)------ Sultan promised him to giv him (e)------ piece of gold for each verse.
Answer: the, the, an, The, a
7. Bina is (a)------ SSC examinee. She has been suffering form fever. She made (b)------ appointment with Dr. Khan who had his degree form (c)------ USA. On (d)----- appointed day, she wants to meet the doctor. The doctor had (e)------ one eyed son.
Answer: an, an, the, the, a
8. (a)------ Sangsad Bhaban of Bangladesh is situated at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. It is (b)------ wonder of modern architecture and technology. It is on of (c)------ largest buildings in (d)------ world. It was designed by a famous architect named Louis I kahn. He was (e)------ American.
Answer: The, a, the, the, an
9. On day I was going to (a)------ Dhaka University. On (b)------ way, I met a boy. (c)------ boy was very poor. He showed me (d)------ application. I went through the application. I gave him (e)------ one hundred taka note.
Answer: the, the, The, an, a
10. Hamlet was once (a)------ happiest yong man in the country. But (b)------ great trouble came into his life. His father died suddenly, in (c)------ mysterious way. Hamlet was told that (d)------ old king had died form the bite of (e)------ snake when he was asleep.
Answer: the, A, a, the, a